CBB IPM and Sampling Protocols-CTAHR

Click IP-31 to see the publication dated 6.10.13. Suzanne Shriner, KCFA Member, was an integral part of this effort. From CTAHR: Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to helping the coffee growers in Hawaii control CBB. We understand that there is great work happening in the lab and fields with researchers and farmers trying…

Axis Deer vs. Mouflon Sheep PHOTO

The report on June 6th of Axis Deer in North Kona turned out to be Mouflon Sheep. But you can see they are very similar.  The Big Island Invasive Species Committee quickly reacted to the report and sent this  to help us all. As you can see in the photo below, it is nearly impossible…

Axis Deer

click on AXIS DEER  to view the pamphlet- What to look for, and whom to call. A lengthier article on Axis Deer written in 2011 with a brief paragraph describing agriculture impacts, including coffee 2011 Oh Deer Article-1  

June 2013 – The Independent Voice

 The Independent Voice Newsletter of the Kona Coffee Farmers Association June 2013          PO Box 5436 Kailua Kona Hawaii 96745 USA                                                              …