Building a winning program for Kona coffee farmers

Since 2006, KCFA has helped Kona coffee farmers amplify their voices and fight unfair dilution of Hawaii’s legendary coffee. Our membership numbers create our strength to shape legislation, encourage government support, and drive favorable negotiations. We are an association of farmers, for farmers.

The Kona Coffee Farmers Associationā€™s mission is to promote and protect Kona farmersā€™ economic interests in 100% Kona coffee, to protect the Kona coffee heritage, and to seek greater legal protection of the Kona coffee name.


In support of our mission, KCFA has adopted the following initiatives:

1. Advocate for the economic interests of the Kona Coffee Farmer

Support member farmers to improve product quality, crop yields and financial success.


2. Maintain a supportive community

Connect member farmers to share experiences, knowledge and resources.


3. Improve legal protection of the Kona coffee name.

Fight dilution and infringement of the Kona coffee brand.


4. Call for Revision of Hawaiiā€™s 10% Kona Coffee Blend Law

The position of KCFA is that ā€œ10% Kona coffee blendā€ statute (HRS 486-120.6) damages the reputation of Kona coffee and confuses consumers. Read More >>>


5. Protect Kona Farmers from the Impact of GMO Coffee Plants

Kona Coffee Farmers Association opposes the introduction of genetically modified coffee plants into the State of Hawaii. Read More >>>


6. Mitigate Agricultural Risks by Discouraging the Importation of Green Coffee Beans

Importing green beans puts our coffee plants at risk. Read More >>>


7. Encourage Kona Farmers to Cultivate Kona Typica Coffee Trees

Encourages all Kona coffee farmers to cultivate Kona typica coffee trees, to produce the highest quality coffee from those trees, and to continue to supply world markets with our renowned ā€œHeritage Kona Coffeeā€. Read More >>>


8. Promote Economic Justice by Guarding Against Dilution of the Kona Coffee Product and Brand

The Economic Effects of Blending Kona Coffee, Study by Marvin Feldman, Ph.D. Read More >>>

Current Labeling Laws Cost Kona Coffee Farmers $14.4M Per Year. Read More >>>

Blenders and Opponents Refute Coffee Study, Cite Harm to Business. Read More >>>

Feldman Letter to Editor Regarding Economic Study. Read More >>>

Member Benefits

Membership in the Kona Coffee Farmers Association supports the quality of 100% Kona Coffee and the heritage of the farmers that produce it.