51% Is The Law!

KCFA is pleased to announce that Governor Josh Green signed HB2298 into law yesterday! On July 1, 2027, all Kona blend coffee must contain a minimum of 51% Kona beans.  This also applies to our sister coffee regions around the state. KCFA’s Suzanne Shriner introduced the bill in a speech before the Governor, Legislators and…

Legislators Introduce Stricter Kona Coffee Labeling Laws

HAWAIʻI HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Hale o nā Luna Maka‘āinana FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 29, 2024 House Communications: Cathy S. Lee | 808-587-7242 KONA LEGISLATORS INTRODUCE STRICTER KONA COFFEE LABELING LAWS Measures boost economic support and advocate for local coffee farmers Kona, Hawaiʻi – During the 2024 legislative session, Kona lawmakers have introduced bills dedicated to imposing…

Brendan Schultz: US House Hawaii District 2

In a federal court class action lawsuit, Kona coffee farmers have recovered more than $15 million in settlement payments from companies accused of marketing fraudulent Kona coffee. More effective than lawsuits, however, would be active enforcement of fair labeling laws by the FDA.  What ideas do you have to accomplish that? The first policy that…

Joe Akana: US House Hawaii District 2

In a federal court class action lawsuit, Kona coffee farmers have recovered more than $15 million in settlement payments from companies accused of marketing fraudulent Kona coffee. More effective than lawsuits, however, would be active enforcement of fair labeling laws by the FDA.  What ideas do you have to accomplish that? In order to combat…

County Of Hawaii Resolution 223 21

COUNTY OF HAWAII – STATE OF HawaiiRESOLUTION NO. 223 21 . A RESOLUTION URGING THE HAWAII STATE LEGISLATURE TO AMENDCOFFEE LABELING REQUIREMENTS FOR BLENDS OF GEOGRAPHICALLYNAMED HAWAII-GROWN COFFEE. WHEREAS, Hawaii- grown coffee is known throughout the world as a premier,specialty coffee that is recognized for its unique aroma and rich flavor; and WHEREAS, coffee has…

Hawaii County Council Hearing Agenda

COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL OPERATIONS,RELATIONS, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT16′ h SessionORDER OF BUSINESSWest Hawaii Civic Center74- 5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Building AKailua- Kona, HawaiiOctober 19, 202110: 30 a. m.Pursuant to Governor Ige’ s most recent proclamation, in order to minimizephysical contact and maximize social distancing, this meeting willnot be open to the public. Oral Public Testimony: The…

Hawaii County Mayoral Candidates 2020 Q and A

Kona Coffee Farmers Association Questions to Hawaii County Mayoral Candidates   QUESTION ONE: On October 15, 2014, the Hawaii County Council unanimously adopted Resolution No. 501-14 requesting the State Legislature to adopt legislation requiring the use of Hawaii geographic-origin names in the labeling or advertising of a Hawaii coffee blend only if the blend contains…

US House of Representatives, District 2 2020

Kona Coffee Farmers Association Questions to Candidates for US House of Representatives, District 2 Question One: Counterfeiting and deceptive labeling of Kona and other Hawaii-grown coffee products occurs all too often on the Mainland–with adverse economic impact to Hawaii’s coffee growers and damage to the reputation of Hawaii-grown coffee.   The federal Food and Drug Administration has…