KonaCoffeeFarmers – You Tube
may be found here: https://www.youtube.com/c/KonaCoffeeFarmers/videos
CTAHR: Soil Health and Sustainable IPM Mini Conference
CTAHR: Soil Health and Sustainable IPM Mini Conference Tuesday, August 4th, 4:30 – 6:30 pm For All Information click here>>> Soil Health Mini conference flyer
Workshop- Moisture Meter Calibration Thursday- September 4
Reservations Required KCFA is co-sponsoring the annual Moisture Meter Calibration Workshop at CTAHR THIS THURSDAY, September 4th from 9:30-11:30 am. Hawaii state law requires green coffee to be dried to 9% – 12% moisture, which can be surprisingly difficult to meet. If improperly dried, it can lead to production and marketing risks. Too dry, the…
Friday, May 3, 2019 Selecting Shoots Workshop
Choose New Growth for Future Productive Yields WHEN: Friday, May 3, 2019 -Starts promptly at 9 am Come early to sign in! WHERE: Bob Nelson’s Lehuula Farms- (79-7350 Mamalahoa Hwy) Makai of the Kona Joe sign, drive down and parking is available on the right. WHY: How to Choose the Correct new Shoots to insure…
Coffee Berry Borer Conference 2018
Coffee Berry Borer Conference 2018 DATE AND TIME Wed, April 25, 2018 7:30 AM – 4:00 PM HSTLOCATION Courtyard by Marriott King Kamehameha’s Kona Beach Hotel 75-5660 Palani Road Kailua-Kona, HI 96740 CONFERENCE DESCRIPTION 7:30 am – 8:00 am Registration 8:00 am – 4:00 pm ConferenceThe USDA-Agricultural Research Service and University of Hawaii-CTAHR invite you…
Saturday, January 20, 2018 Annual Coffee Pruning Workshop
KCFA’s Annual Coffee Pruning Workshop Saturday, January 20, 2018, 8:30 AM WHEN: Saturday, January 20, 2018 Registration begins at 8:30am WHERE: Bob Nelson’s Farm (turn makai at the Kona…
Coffeetalk: Small Farm Processing
Coffee Equipment and Coffee Culture from Costa Rica Monday-October 30, 2017 4 pm at CTAHR Join Roberto Bendig of Bendig Manufacturing (Maquinera) on Monday at 4pm for a presentation on small farm processing. For over 50 years, the Bendig name has been a pioneer in the coffee equipment business. He will have slides on…
Ohia Seed Conservation for Kona- 9/23/2017
click to view>>>>Ohia-Seed-Conservation-Workshop-Kona
Roasting Workshop – Filling Fast
4/5/2017 UPDATE: Now scheduling for the 1-3:30 and 4-5:30 classes on Saturday, April 29, 2017. (First two are full.) To secure a spot, please send your RSVPs to: kenaicoffee@aol.com or davehart@ashellc.com
Deadline-UHH Masters of Education Workshops at Palamanui-in Kona!
Aloha ~ this is a reminder of two valuable workshops coming up in the next 2 weeks on the Palamanui campus. The first is a Community Informational Meeting on the UHH Master of Education DISTANCE BASED program that is happening tomorrow evening from 5:30-6:30. This program is for already licensed teachers who are seeking a Master’s degree. I…
Pruning Workshop photos from 2.11.2017
Thank you KCFA Member Chair Chet Gardiner for these great photos! Looks like a good day. click on each to enlarge
Pruning Workshop 2017
WHEN: Saturday, February 11, 2017 WHERE: Bob Nelson’s Farm (turn makai at the Kona Joe’s sign in Kainaliu. Drive down and park in big empty lot on right. Farm is just across.) WHY: Proper Pruning Techniques,Soil Sampling etc. KCFA will be hosting the annual pruning workshop on Saturday 2/11. Kona farmers Bob Nelson and Bob…
NRCS Programs and Applications
The meeting will be held at the Cooperative Extension Service office in Kainaliu, across from the Aloha Theater, on Monday, November 14 starting at 3:30 p.m. With the deadlines on Friday 11/18 to submit applications for several of the programs, this is an opportunity to find out how soil and water conservation programs can help…
Little Fire Ant Awareness Forum-October 27 from 6-8pm
The Governor’s Office in West Hawai‘i Presents: Little Fire Ant Awareness Forum Thursday, October 27, 2016, 6-8 p.m. (Doors Open @ 5:30 p.m.) Hawai‘i Community College, Palamanui Campus 73-4225 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Room 127 With presenters from: Hawai‘i Ant Lab State of Hawai‘i Department of Agriculture Big Island Invasive Species Committee County of Hawai‘i Department…
CTAHR presents HDOA’s Apiary Program: Beginning Beekeeping, Honey Bee Biology, Honey Bee Health…
*Beginning Beekeeping & Honey Bee Biology click to see complete info>> KONA Beginning beekeeing class, October 18, 2016 When: Tuesday, October 18, 5-8 pm (PowerPoint lecture) *Honey Bee Health: Pests & Diseases click to see complete info >> KONA Bee health class, October 19, 2016-1 When: Wednesday, October 19, 8:30 am- 12 noon (PowerPoint lecture) *Hands-on Apiary…
Harvest Picnic Snapshots – August 14, 2016
Thank you to Board Member Chris Coleman for the photos! A great time was had by all, across from the gorgeous Two Step at Honaunau Bay. See you next year! Click to enlarge
May 3, 2016 Vertical/Shoot Selection Workshop with photos
click on photo to enlarge… KCFA held its popular annual Vertical/Shoot Selection Coffee Talk workshop at Bob Nelson’s well maintained farm in Kainaliu. Bob Smith and Bob Nelson gave their expertise to a group of about 30 interested farmers. Also, Cheresa Coles and John Quinn, Research Statisticians with the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service…
Tuesday- May 3 – Coffee Talk: Vertical/Shoot Selection Workshop
KCFA presents Coffee Talk — VERTICAL SELECTION Workshop WHEN: Tuesday, May 3, 2016 (9:00-11:00 am) WHERE: Bob Nelson & Bob Smith at Bob Nelsons’ Farm located makai of the Kona Joe sign in Kainaliu, along Mamalahoa Highway. Drive down; parking available. WHY: Choose the right vertical/shoots from among the new growth following the pruning completed a few months…
Learn How To Air Layer!
From Hawaii Farmers Union Tuesday, February 16 from 6-9 pm in Hawi Please call 889-5715 with any questions further information is here: click to view>>> Airlayer Poster FINAL
Friday- Pruning Workshop and CTAHR’s workshops
Kona Coffee Farmers Association presents: Coffee Talk- Pruning Workshop! When: This Friday, January 22, 2016 Registration begins at 8:30. Class to start promptly at 9 am! Where: Bob Nelson’s Farm- makai of Kona Joe sign in Kainaliu, along Mamalahoa Highway Why: Make Good Choices by learning Correct Techniques Class will be less than…
Upcoming Coffee Workshops
KCFA Presents: Coffee Talk- Pruning Workshop: Making Good Choices by Learning Correct Techniques Bob Smith and Bob Nelson will again offer their popular annual KCFA Pruning Workshop at Bob Nelson’s farm in Kainaliu. Suitable for newbies and as a refresher for all! WHEN: January 22, 2016- Friday 9 am WHY: Learn the value of Pruning correctly and how it impacts future growth and…
Pruning Workshop Handout
Pruning Coffee – Bob Smith and Bob Nelson www.KonaCoffeeFarmers.org Friday-January 22, 2016 “COFFEE TALK” Presentation 9am WHY: Coffee trees require yearly pruning to remove unproductive branches and to make space for new vigorous growth. Coffee verticals have a growth cycle of 3 years. Maximum production is achieved the 3rd year. Growth thereafter is on a…
CBB Expert Dr. Benavides and Mill & Mechanical Engineer F A Vicenti-VISITS
Kona on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 CBB Expert, Pablo Benavides Machado from Colombia. Dr. Benavides will be presenting in Kona on Wednesday, October 21 from 5pm to 7pm. The RSVP deadline is Monday, October 19. He will present a seminar “Integrated Pest Management a successful strategy to control the Coffee Berry Borer in Colombia” and…
Targeting: Improvement of Coffee Farm and Mill Efficiency Workshop
click to read>>>> 2015_10_24 to 11_04 Fernando Workshops_Statewide Combo 100815
September 19, Saturday – Free CBB Workshop 9 am
Free workshop with Colombian CBB expert Luis Aristizabal! Luis Aristizabal is coming back to Kona. In 2012, he revolutionized the way we look at our fields. Now, he’s here to talk on how to better control CBB through effective harvesting, and next-level methods of IPM. Colombia manages infestation levels of under 3 percent. How…
Got questions about Botanigard or Mycotrol?
Of course you do! Meet the rep, Matt Needham from Bioworks, 3:30 pm Thursday, June 25 at CTAHR for a talk story on the fungus. Matt has worked with the coffee industry since 2011. He has also visited South America to learn about fungus use there. He is back on island and…
Coffee Talk: Vertical Selection/Suckering Workshop May 9, 2015
An important aspect of coffee farming. This workshop is popular so give your self plenty of time
Introduction to Beetle Predators of CBB-Workshop
Educational and Interactive Workshop offered February 7, 2015 – Sheraton Keauhou Resort and Spa- Bayview Rooms Morning and Afternoon sessions. FREE but Reservations are required! complete information is here> Cathartus Flyer Final
30 Tree Sampling Field Day Flyer
Click>> 2014_07_29 30 Trees Sampling Field Day to view complete Information! Please note the flyer is 2 pages
Food Safety Workshop- September 17 and 18- Kona
FOOD SAFETY CERTIFICATION WORKSHOP West Hawaii Civic Center click for complete information: Food Safety Workshop.Kona
Coffee Talk- The width of a penny
Little Fire Ant- that’s what we are talking about! cute name but extremely nasty insect Coffee Talk- Tuesday, October 30, 2012 CTAHR in Kainaliu from 3- 5 pm A presentation of the Kona Coffee Farmers, HDOA and CTAHR The Little Fire Ant (LFA) was discovered in mauka Kona coffee land, at the 1200-1500 foot elevation…
Fermentation – Coffee Wetmill Practices
BEST PRACTICES: Coffee Wetmill Practices – How They Affect Your Coffee Quality by Ken Sheppard, September 29, 2008 Objective: The purpose of this workshop is to discuss wet mill practices with a particular emphasis on the fermentation process. Food for thought: If we accept that the coffee on the tree is the best it can…
KCFA On YouTube
Thanks to KCFA member Keola Childs who taped the last Coffee Talk, Videos are available below: 1–Robert Barnes – Organic fertilizer use and availability for Kona coffee http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS7fuGYZaqU 2– Bob Smith – Inorganic Fertilizer use http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFBQWm-aOak 3- Bob Smith’s Shoulder-Bag Fertilizer Spreader http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tucmGHXbNLs 4– Ben Discoe- Using Biochar to enhance, reduce fertilizer needs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42gr_1whjcjc8 Kona…