KCFA Membership
KCFA offers three memberships to include all stakeholders of the Kona coffee community. Kona Coffee Farmer Members are the core of KCFA. Supporting Business and Kona Coffee Enthusiast Memberships are for non-farming entities and individuals important to the success of Kona coffee.
Benefits for All Members:
- Our award winning monthly e-newsletter, The Independent Voice, features news about the latest trends in coffee farming and marketing, legislative initiatives, KCFA member activities and much more.
- Power, as you join other KCFA members to build a stronger voice for the farmers of Kona coffee!
Renewing Members: Login and go to your Membership Page to renew

Kona Coffee Farmer
KCFA is by and for Kona coffee farmers, who make up the entirety of the voting membership. This ensures that the organization will always keep its focus on the success of farmers and the Kona coffee product.
Member Discounts
Our membership committee works on finding discounts for our members. Fedex, NAPA, and more are in the works. Current Member Discounts
Kona Coffee Farm Directory
Promote your Kona Coffee Farm and products in our searchable Kona Coffee Farm Directory. Include photos, information about your farm and products, contacts and link to your website.
KCFA also offers special members-only sales opportunities at local events.
Education & Training
Excellent farming demonstrations and hands-on training, plus access to the growing library of coffee farming books and exclusive KCFA Best Practice Guides. Guides include:
- Economic Analysis of coffee farming w/ coffee production analysis spreadsheet (Excel format)
- Planting Panel Notes
- Pruning Practices
- Coffee Mucilage
- Drying and storing of coffee
- Fertilizer Bag Construction Link
KCFA Seal Program
Purchase 100% Kona Coffee seals for your Kona-grown products, only available to KCFA members. Read about KCFA’s Seal Program
Classified Ads
Post something for sale, something you want to buy, help you need or help you can offer. Almost anything can be posted; it doesn’t have to be coffee-related.
- Any coffee farmer who owns or leases land in South Kona or North Kona.
- Receives the majority of coffee-related income from the sale of coffee grown on above mentioned land.
- Must agree to support the KCFA Mission.
- Must be 18 or older.
- Eligible to be elected to serve on the Board of Directors.
- No proxy votes, you must be present to vote.
- Individual – $50/year
- Lifetime – $750
Supporting Business
Some businesses are an integral part of the Kona coffee family, even though they aren’t farmers. We welcome their membership and participation as Supporting Business Members.
KCFA Business Listing
Your business listing, which may include a link to your business website, your logo, and a short description, makes it easy for Kona farmers to find you and patronize your business.
Your logo and website link will be displayed on the KCFA website sidebar in rotation with other Business Members.
KCFA Events
Promote your business, products and services at KCFA events.
- Any business or organization that supports 100% Kona coffee and the KCFA’s Mission.
- A Supporting Business Member may be located in any region of the world, and is invited to participate in all general meeting and events of the KCFA.
- A Supporting Business Member may not vote or serve on the Board of Directors.
- Individual – $75/year
- Lifetime – $750
Kona Coffee Enthusiast
Kona Coffee Enthusiasts are consumers, farm staff, and all others who enjoy 100% Kona coffee and support the KCFA Mission and initiatives to protect and preserve the Kona coffee heritage.
Protect Kona Coffee
Your support helps us fight to protect Kona Coffee from deceptive labeling practices, environmental threats, and preserve Kona typica coffee and its heritage. As we work towards legislative changes, the voices of Kona Coffee enthusiasts help increase visibility of the need for further protections.
Many Voices
Our Enthusiast members are valuable in drawing attention to legislative initiatives, resolutions, and changes that affect Kona Coffee. Share Kona Coffee news on social media, contact politicians and lawmakers to let them know that 100% Kona Coffee is important to you.
- Any individual who supports 100% Kona coffee and the KCFA’s Mission.
- An Associate member may be located in any region of the world, and is invited to participate in all meetings and events of the KCFA.
- Associate members may not vote or serve as a KCFA Officer. Associates may serve as Board Members.
- Individual – $45/year
- Lifetime – $750