CBB is a relatively new bug to Kona, but has been studied extensively for several decades in other regions. While new products come on the market all the time, we recommend farmers investigate the scientific validity of each before investing significant time or money in unproved methods. Proper science is validated by independent third party testing. If someone with a financial interest in a product tells you it works well, ask for more information and proceed at your own risk. Future speakers at Talk Stories are asked to identify their financial interest in a product before speaking. Mahalo.
June 21, 2012 CTAHR Conference Room in Kainaliu 3:30-5 pm, approximately 60 participants.
Discussion Leaders: Bob Smith and Susanne Shriner of the KCFA’s Pest & Disease Committee.
Bob Smith: Requested everyone to fill out KCFA’s simple survey form which is designed to generate a little more information on CBB experience among farmers. Very preliminary first results appear to indicate that in South Kona where there was heavy loss last year, the early infestation rates seem lighter this year. North Kona’s levels of infestation appear comparable to that in the south.
Dave Case: HDOA representatives last week said they will have an entomologist in Kona within a month [almost two years after CBB was discovered in Kona] to help sort out CBB information and to develop a CBB mitigation strategy.
Smith: In his opinion the destruction of feral coffee tress would be a waste of funds; far better to use the money to support an entomologist’s work and to subsidize fungus and trap expenses for farmers.
J. Oster: raisin cleaning from trees is very important; fungicide is not very effective on raisins in the trees
J. Sigardson: believes 100 traps/acre in his orchard is key to reducing CBB levels. Uses a proprietary attractant. Predicts increase in CBB damage this year to 50% of the crop—up from 25% last year.
Andrea Kawabata: Traps most effective before cherries develop (winter months) from preliminary results of E. Burbano investigation.
General View: Traps should be placed about a foot and a half above the ground.
Kawabata: EPA regulations prohibit giving away or selling home grown fungus—an unregistered insecticide.
Quantity of Fungus/acre: the DVD recommends 7 oz per acre. Some are applying 7 oz with apparent results. Some are applying higher concentrations—also with apparent results. Some are not seeing significant results at 7 oz level. Shriner: Those using conventional backpack sprayers might try higher than 7 oz/acre.
Oster: suggests it is important to use protective equipment—respirators.
Participant observation: coffee farmers in So. America are paying $5.00/qt for b. bassiana fungus. Why are we paying $60 and more?
B Dysart: Should we be seeking a waiver from the EPA to apply home grown native b. bassiana? Is this definitional—stimulating a natural occurring fungus vs. insecticide?
J. Langenstein: Saw CBB in Kona in early 1990s—but very limited effect because of the heavy presence of native b. bassiana. Severe drought reduced fungus population and caused CBB outbreak. With return of the rains, he believes natural fungus will return to higher levels.
Some farmers have used “beetle juice”–a systemic nutritional supplement for coffee trees that repels CBB. Not an insecticide. J. Lagenstein and some other participants believe it is effectively reducing CBB infestation in his orchards.
Smith: Beetle juice raises the types of questions we need a Kona-based entomologist to assess.
M. Lake: Robbie Hollingsworth of PBARC is researching use of clove oil as an attractant for traps.