QUESTIONS from Members 03/26/2014
Q–<Testifying in Person>”?
A-Means you will be at the Legislature. Select <No> if you do not plan to be there and are instead sending in Testimony
Q-<May we put our testimony into the comments section of page instead of uploading a doc and still be effective?>
A- Yes.
(For April 2014)- The Independent Voice- KCFA’s President’s Message
Action Needed- Your Help Needed!
When you get one of these emails from KCFA-with a heading as above- don’t just groan:), please take the time to follow the instructions- which give you the link and the instructions to sign in or create an account with our Hawaii Legislative branch of government. It is painless; a few steps. And then all you have to do is click the recommended <Oppose> or <Support> button and submit. You do not have to write any Testimony if you don’t have time. BUT you are a Voice and it will be recorded as Opposing or Supporting the particular bill and to our fabulous Legislators, that is a vote! Your submission counts each time! The voice of the people telling our Legislators how we feel! The only voice we have.
We are extremely fortunate to have a KCFA Legislative Chair who takes the time to review all the Bills in the Hawaii State Legislature- ferreting out the ones that actually apply to Kona Coffee and after carefully reviewing the mass of verbiage in the Bill, the Legislative Chair gives us an opinion for we 100% Kona Coffee Farmers. The right opinion for us. Our KCFA Legislative Chair is working for every one of us. Do your part the next time one of these emails comes around.
The Hawaii Legislative session only goes until June- and sometimes we only have 48 hours’ notice when we ask for Action, so again, please submit your vote. Help us all.
Frankly all you have to remember is 20+ years ago, the Legislature felt it okay to call something with 10% Kona- a Kona Blend. We never want anything like that to ever happen again.
So exercise your vote as a Kona coffee farmer citizen of Hawaii. You’ll feel good about doing so, too.