‘Tis the Season and the KCFA asks for your support for THE TRUTH! Specifically-Truth when labeling Hawaii Coffee. There is an active local opposition to the Coffee Truth in Labeling Bill so we need all the help you can give.
TO KCFA Members, Friends and Supporters,
Our online petition to the Legislature is up and running. Our petition asks that the Hawaii County Council’s request for truth-coffee-labeling be enacted into State Law.
In order to add to the petition, we encourage each of you to contact your customers, friends, and supporters and ask them to join in. The appreciators of genuine Kona coffee are our most enthusiastic supporters. Voices from the Mainland and from around the world will help remind our State Legislators that deceiving visitors is not a good way to generate goodwill and tourism for Hawaii. Below is a draft that you can use as a starting point in your communication.
Help us build a strong wave of signatures. We are looking for 5000 signatures! Help us all!
Mahalo and Mele Kalikimaka and wishing for Truth in the New Year!
Dear Friends of [name of your farm]:
We are writing you today because we need your help!
We hope that you and other appreciators of 100% Kona Coffee will join us in petitioning Hawaii State Legislators to protect the integrity Hawaiian Grown coffee.
Please take a moment to show your support for Kona Coffee by signing the online petition [Link to the Petition] asking Hawaii Legislators to adopt truth-in-labeling for Kona and other Hawaii-grown coffees.
[Your Name]
[Farm Name]To: KCFA Members