The Hawaii State Legislature begins this week. We need your HELP!
(More than 20 years ago our Legislature decided that 10% real Kona beans in a bag and 90% unknown stuff was enough to call the bag a Kona Blend. Certainly NOT truthful. Now we have a chance to up the amount of REAL Kona in a Blend to 51% Real Kona. Help us with Truth in Labeling!)
Please sign our Petition for Truth in Labeling now.
If you want only 100% Kona- you are already in favor of TRUTH.
If you want more REAL Kona than 10% REAL Kona in a bag called Kona Blend-sign today.
We need 2000 signatures and every one counts. Thank you so much!
Please go here:
need more reasons??? click> read this
and if that isn’t enough reason click>, read this
We think we have a good chance IF we show the support. It will take you only 30 seconds. Post it on your FaceBook page, send it your family and your friends wherever they live and of course, your 100% Kona Coffee customers. If you know of anyone who would be sympathetic to TRUTH in labeling, encourage them to sign.
Power to The People!