QUICK STEPS (you might want to print out these steps before signing up with MailChimp for easy access)
- Open a blank Word document. Make a list of all of your customers emails, separated only by a comma. This is called a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file. Save that CSV File.
- Go here: https://login.mailchimp.com/signup and sign up. Follow all instructions.
- Create a <Template>. Takes some time, a little learning curve but will give your email that very special YOU look, with a photo added. Save template. N.B. your template can only be 600 pixels max. wide.
- Click on <Lists> tab and click on <Create List>, give your List a unique name that you can refer to like “Xmas.December.2016” and fill in all the information on that page.
- <Import List> Use that CSV list of your customers that you created in Step #1.
- <Create Campaign/Regular Campaign> and <Choose Your List>. Fill in <Campaign Info>
- Choose your template that you carefully crafted earlier, in Step #3.
- Follow along with the easy instructions at the bottom of the page.
- <Design> On the left hand you will see your template and the right looks empty. Hover just below the title box of the template header on that left hand page until you see <Edit> and click on that. The right hand side opens up.Write your message on the right hand side. Start typing and it will show up on the left hand page. (Whatever you see on the left hand side, is what the email will look like. So although the right hand/working page may look odd, don’t fret.) All work must be done on the right hand/work page. Lots of tools on those 2 header editing lines like “Font”, “Color”, “Insert Media”, “Insert Link”, etc. FYI, <File Manager> (Picture Frame icon) is where the graphics/photos,PDF files etc are stored and uploaded to.Have fun!
- The <Confirm> page allows you to send yourself a “test” email of what you’ve created, and allows you a preview of your email. You can go back to the <Design> tab at the bottom of the page and fix what you want. Hover again just below the title box on that left hand page until you see <EDIT PAGE> and click on that. Right hand side page comes up for editing.
When you are satisfied, click SEND. Done. Watch the results.
HINTS– Include in your customer email, a link to your Web Order page, or your email address or a telephone number. How can they contact you? You may also want to include [last shipping date] in time for Christmas, etc. Keep your email upbeat! Enjoy!
Questions maybe emailed here– although there is no guarantee of a speedy response. It is our BUSY time!