WHERE: Kahaluu Beach Pavilion
WHEN: 11:00 am – Friday, January 8, 2016
WHY: 9th Annual KCFA General Membership Meeting & Potluck
Come and hear what your 100% Kona Farmers Association has done over the last accomplishing year. Hang out with your fellow farmers and cast your vote for the new KCFA Board Members to represent you. Also we will vote on By Law changes. As a non-profit, KCFA Members must rely on each other, so come and learn the latest.
Kahaluu Beach Pavilion is a warm and a relaxed setting with the beautiful ocean nearby. Bring your suits!
We plan to have some beer and pupus from about 11:15 and the Potluck lunch will be served at noon with our Annual Meeting to follow. KCFA will supply plastic ware, paper products etc. and will offer little yummy shredded barbeque pork on rolls.
We ask you to bring your own drinks and to bring something small to go along, from pupus to side dishes or even… just bring yourselves. See you Friday!
Mahalo from your Kona Coffee Farmers Association
See you tomorrow!