Dr. Sarada Krishnan of the Denver Botanic Gardens will be the featured speaker at the annual general membership meeting of the Friends of Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden to be held in the Garden on Saturday, September 23. The public is invited to attend this free presentation which will be held beneath a tent in the heart of the Garden, adjoining the flourishing kalo patch. Afternoon activities will include free tours of the Garden starting at noon, a brief membership meeting at 2 p.m. to which all present are invited, and Dr. Krishnan’s presentation which will begin at 2:30. Her topic will be the Value of Ethnobotanical Gardens in the 21st Century. Water and snacks will be provided and Stephen Cline will play his acoustic guitar in the Garden.
Dr. Krishnan is the Director of Horticulture and Center for Global Initiatives at Denver Botanic Gardens where she is responsible for directing the design and maintenance of the horticultural displays and collections, and for developing and leading global projects. Raised in India, Dr. Krishnan’s original focus on tropical horticulture has broadened to include the propagation of native Colorado flora using plant tissue culture and the conservation of Madagascar’s wild coffee genetics. She owns coffee plantations in the Blue Mountains of Jamaica and most recently has served as the coffee expert in the development of the Global Strategy for Conservation of Coffee Genetic Resources which was released in July of this year by Global Crop Diversity Trust and World Coffee Research. A recognized expert in her field, she was nominated to serve on the United Stated Department of Agriculture’s National Genetic Resources Advisory Council.
Community members are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to tour the Garden and enjoy our local ethnobotanical treasure. Closed to the public since January of 2016, this will be an excellent opportunity to become reacquainted with the beauty of Kona’s premier Hawaiian landscape. At the meeting, you will also have an opportunity to join or renew your membership in the Friends. Parking will be at the Garden’s Visitor Center adjoining Arthur L. Greenwell Park. As befits a Hawaiian garden, the afternoon will begin with a brief blessing at noon. The Friends are very pleased to have Dr. Krishnan accept their invitation to speak on such a timely topic. Questions should be directed to Peter Van Dyke, garden manager, who can be reached at 808-323-3318 or via email to Marie Morin at mariemorin24@gmail.com.
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