2014-7th Annual Kona Coffee Expo & Trade Show

Friday, January 31, 2014 10 am – 4 pm   —   “Old Airport” Makaeo Pavilion Free Admission! please use mauka entrance to the Pavilion (Vendor set-up begins at 8 and doors will open for general admittance at 10) HDOA Chair, Scott Enright at 2 pm– “HDOA & Kona Coffee Farmers Working Together” Lisa Keith of PBARC- Keynote…

EXPO 2015 Exhibitor Slide Information

EXPO 2015 Exhibitors- Slide information A file with your logo, or a picture of your storefront, or a description of your goods and services as they relate to farming. Need your file sent to:  Paul Uster (brun0-kcfa@usa.net) by January 10th at the latest! Files received after that cannot be included but you’ll still be entitled…

EXPO January 25, 2013 PHOTOS

The 6th Annual Kona Coffee Farmers Association’s EXPO.  A  KCFA community service project for all small farmers with resource and informational tables.  Highlight of this year’s was speaker Tommy Greenwell, on “The State of The Infestation” – a comprehensive look at the Coffee Berry Borer’s impact, in Kona, during the last year.  All photos courtesy of KCFA Member  Bob…

6th Annual EXPO

Free Admission  and Everyone Welcome Resources who will have displays include: Agro Resources                                              HDOA – Entomologist Rob Curtiss Alii Design & Printing                      …

2009 KCFA EXPO – Speaker Schedule

EXPO! 2009 January 30, 2009 Friday- Old Airport Pavilion SPEAKER SCHEDULE 10:30 to 10:50 Chuck Moss, Grainpro 11:00 to 11:20 Elsie Burbano, Twig Borer 11:30 to 11:50 Dr. Soojin Jun, Coffee Markers, PP 12:00 to 12:20 Andrew Hetzel, Coffee Cupping, PP 12:30 to 12:50 Bob Smith, Pruning 1:00 to1:20 Deborah Ward, Transition to Organic, PP…