CTAHR Office, Kainaliu, mauka of Aloha Theater 3:30-5 pmApril 24, 2012- CTAHR (Kainaliu)- CBB Talk Story- 3:30-5pm. Led by Bob Smith and Andrea Kawabata and Suzanne Shriner. An informal gathering to exchange ideas on what is working, what is not working. What are farmers doing and what are your results? A time to see if…
Little Fire Ant (LFA) was discovered in mauka Kona coffee land, at the 1200-1500 foot elevation in the last month. Learn the dire implications of this stinging tiny ant and how it may affect you, your coffee pickers, your pets and your property’s value. Entomologist Rob Curtiss of CTAHR and Cas Vanderwoude of Hawai`i Ant…
Suzanne Shriner will explain Dr. Luis Aristizabal’s 30 tree method for testing the percentage of CBB infestation on your farm. Everyone is welcome. 3-5 pm at CTAHR is Kainaliu. A presentation of KCFA and CTAHR Aristizabal’s presentation information of August 24, 2012 is available here.
The Kona Coffee Council and John Knorek, Torkildson Law Firm, Honolulu, are offering a lively, three-hour forum followed by a question and answer period on federal and state labor laws as they affect farmers and processors of farm products. This informational forum was originally publicized for coffee farmers and processors, but the Kona Chapter of…
Kona Coffee Farmers Association & CTAHR PresentAt the CTAHR Conference Room in KainaliuCoffee Talk Thursday November 14, 2013 5:30pm-6:30pm Topic: Natural Resources Conservation Service of the USDAWho They AreWhat Their Programs AreHow They Help Farmers and Landowners Have you ever visited with a Conservationist from NRCS?No matter whether you are long time farmer or a…
Thursday, March 13, 2014 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Kona Cooperative Extension Service-Kainaliu UH-CTAHR
Wednesday, March 19, 20145:00 PM