âBest Agricultural Newsletter in Hawaiiâ
Newsletter of the Kona Coffee Farmers Association
July 2019
PO Box 5436 Kailua Kona Hawaii 96745 USA
www.konacoffeefarmers.org info@konacoffeefarmers.org
Legislative Update
Starbucks has a Slave Labor Problem
PBARC Report â PMSP for Coffee
Hawaii on the Hill
Get Involved in KCFA
How the Processing Method Affects Coffee Flavor
Hawaii Ag Statistics
Hawaii Small Business Development Center
Can Coffee Fight Obesity & Diabetes?
A Coffee Ditty
Recipe: BBQ Sauce for the 4th
Editor – Clare Wilson
Legislative Update
The KCFA Legislative Committee (with a number of Board members also attending) met on June 20 in Yano Hall to discuss plans for the upcoming 2020 Legislative Session. The discussion included:
Legislative Bills for 2020: 51% minimum for blends; Fair labeling for Ready-To-Drink coffee products; Fair labeling for in-room coffee at hotels and resorts; Extension of CBB Subsidies.
Meetings with Hawaii County Legislators: Separate small group meetings (3 or 4 KCFA members) with Big Island representatives and senators to generate ideas and strategies for supporting KCFA-backed bills. If you would be interested in participating in one or more of these meetings, please send an email to coffee@ranchoaloha.com
Mahalo Ad: It was agreed to place an ad in West Hawaii Today as a âthank youâ to Hawaii County legislators for introducing and supporting HB144 (51% minimum for âblendsâ) in the just completed 2019 Session. Here is the ad that ran on Sunday, June 9:
–Submitted by Bruce Corker
Starbucks Has a Slave Labor Problem
This article discusses the current exploitation of labor in the worldwide coffee industry and the differences between Fair Trade and Starbuckâs C.A.F.E. program.
Although we live on a fairly privileged perch here in Kona, this DOES indicate to me that our entire food system, driven by corporate, fossil-fueled agri-business conglomerates (aided by YUGE tax breaks and subsidies) are pushing prices down at all costs – part of those costs being farmers living at bare subsistence level or as slave labor.
–Submitted by Chet Gardiner
PBARC Report â PMSP for Coffee
The Southern IPM Center recently sponsored a workshop to revise the Pest Management Strategic Plan (PMSP) for coffee in both Puerto Rico and Hawaii. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together growers, industry representative, scientists, regulators, and processors to update this important document, which was critically out of date for both regions. The PMSP for coffee outlines the priorities for coffee pest management research, regulation, and outreach and serves to guide activities such as determining areas of research that need attention, allocating funds for research, registering pesticides with the EPA, and other related activities to solving pest management issues for coffee.
The workshop was in honor of Dr. Robert G. Hollingsworth, a former scientist at the USDA-ARS Daniel K. Inouye US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in Hilo that was heading CBB research in Hawaii over the last several years, and whom recently passed away in his home state of North Carolina. Dr. Hollingsworth conducted a number of important studies focused on improving IPM programs for CBB in Hawaii, two of which are in the process of publication (reports on the findings of these studies will follow in upcoming newsletters). Along with Suzanne Shriner, workshop participants from Hawaii included USDA-ARS scientists Dr. Roxana Myers (working on developing entomopathogenic nematodes as a control for CBB) and Dr. Melissa Johnson (working on the area-wide CBB monitoring program). The workshop was very productive and laid the groundwork for updating and improving this document that will serve to guide IPM activities for CBB in the coming years. A followup workshop in Hawaii is being planned for January
–Submitted by Melissa Johnson, PBARC
Hawaii on the Hill â Washington DC â June 2019
KCFA’s Kay Dixon and US Senator Mazie Hirono KCFA’s Display Table in DC
Karen Zulkowski and Kay Dixon represented KCFA at “Hawaii on the Hill” hosted by Senator Maizie Hirono and The Hawaii Chamber of Commerce.
They met with Senator Hirono, Senator Schatz, Congressman Ed Case and David Chun- Congresswoman Gabbard’s Secy of Agriculture, to discuss solutions, at the Federal level in addressing issues affecting Kona coffee farmers.
The KCFA handout was given to each representative and distributed from the KCFA table where samples of 100% Kona coffee were offered.
Senator Hirono hosted a reception at the Washington DC Botanical Gardens and the KCFA reps were able to network with the state and federal level representatives, as well as other committee chairs and influencers who may be in a position to further KCFA efforts.
“Taste of Hawaii” was attended by 2,500 people plus including Congress, Senate and staff and not open to the public.. This was an opportunity to educate a very large number of people about ” If It’s Not 100%, It’s Not Kona”. âIt was amazing how so many people are completely unaware of the blends and counterfeits disguised as real Kona coffeeâ, said Kay Dixon.
–Submitted by Kay Dixon
Get Involved in KCFA Activities
As a volunteer-run, non-profit association the Kona Coffee Farmers Association needs the active involvement of its members in pursuit of our mission:
To promote and protect Kona farmersâ economic interests in 100% Kona coffee, to protect the Kona coffee heritage, and to seek greater legal protection of the Kona coffee name
We encourage all members to contribute their skills, ideas and enthusiasm to that mission. Thereâs much to be done and many ways to contribute. Here is a list of KCFAâs standing committees: Branding & Origin; Education; Legislative; Finance; Kamehameha Schools Liaison; Membership; PR/Marketing; Social/Fundraising; Coffee EXPO; Organic; Pest & Disease. If you are interested in joining in the work of one or more of these committees, please send an email to info@konacoffeefarmers.org
ALSO REMEMBER: KCFA members are invited to attend KCFA Board of Directors meetings as observers. The meetings usually last an hour and a half, or lessâand will provide a chance to learn more about the activities of your hard-working Association. Afterwards you will have a chance to meet and speak with Board members.
The next Board meeting is Monday, July 15, 2:30 pm at Yano Hall, 82-6156 Mamalahoa Highway in Captain Cookâacross from the Manago Hotel.
âInvitation on behalf of the KCFA Board of Directors
How does Processing Method Affect Coffee Flavor
Coffee flavor and aroma are developed during roasting. But the processing method âeither washed, natural, or honey – is what determines which components are left on the green bean to transform into the flavor profile. Follow this link to learn the detail: https://tinyurl.com/y4mdhea9
Hawaii Agricultural Statistics
This report compares 2017 to 2012 with data on everything from average net income per farm to market value of products to number of workers, etc. The entire report can be found here: https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/AgCensus/2017/index.php
Taking just the County of Hawaii from this overwhelming amount of data – it is here: https://tinyurl.com/y2fxkacu
–Submitted by Cecelia Smith
Hawaii Small Business Development Center
As we all know, coffee farmers wear many hats – we are usually family oriented, have to predict the weather (we usually do better job than guy on morning news), have to control pests and deal with weeds, among other things. With such a busy schedule, we still have to run our coffee business. Good news – you are not alone. Why not let the Hawaii Small Business Development Center give you a hand with some of your business problems. They offer a wide variety of expert Services (the best part â wonât cost you a penny). No-Cost One on One Business Advice, Help for Government Contracting, Events /Work shops.
Link: https://www.hisbdc.org/
Physical Address: 73-970 Makako Bay Drive, Suite 108 (Kona location) (808) 333-5000
–Submitted by Armando Rodriguez
Study â Can Coffee Fight Obesity & Diabetes?
photo credit: communicaffe.com
Have you ever heard of brown fat? This study looks at coffee as a stimulant to brown fat which burns sugar and fat. Consequently, obesity and diabetes are positively affected. Interesting read. Here is the link:
–Submitted by Cecelia Smith
A Coffee Ditty
Dick Loves 100% Kona Coffee
Dick purchased 10% Kona Blend Coffee
Dick got cheated (received over 90% of foreign junk coffee)
Don’t be a Dick
–Submitted by Armando Rodriguez
Recipe: Kona Coffee BBQ Sauce
- 3/4 cup strong brewed Kona coffee
- 3/4 cup ketchup
- 6 tablespoons heavy cream
- 1/2 cup honey
- 1/2 cup Dijon mustard
- 1/4 cup firmly packed brown sugar, or more to taste
- 3 tablespoons cider vinegar, or more to taste
- 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
- 1 tablespoon Tabasco sauce or your favorite hot sauce, or more to taste
- Salt and black pepper
Combine the espresso, ketchup, cream, honey, mustard, brown sugar, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco sauce with 3 tablespoons of water in a large heavy nonreactive saucepan. Gradually bring to a boil over medium-high heat.
Reduce the heat to medium and let the sauce simmer gently until thick and richly flavored, 6 to 10 minutes. Taste for seasoning, adding more brown sugar, vinegar, and/or Tabasco sauce as necessary and season with salt and pepper to taste. If necessary.
— Submitted by Clare Wilson
Recipes Wanted! If any of you have coffee recipes that you would like to share, please submit them to the editor: clare@huahuafarm.com
LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! >> Write to us. We welcome Letters to the Editor up to 150 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name and email address >>
Email: info@KonaCoffeeFarmers.org with SUBJECT: Commentary.