“Best Agricultural Newsletter in Hawaii”
Newsletter of the Kona Coffee Farmers Association
September 2017
PO Box 5436 Kailua Kona Hawaii 96745 USA
www.konacoffeefarmers.org info@konacoffeefarmers.orgContents
Little Fire Ant Training
Website Redesign in Process
HDOA CBB Pesticide Subsidy Program
Last Fertilizer Application
Makana o Aloha
Promote your Website on the Hawaii Ag Products Portal
Slow Food Nations Conference
Sparkle Up Your Buy Direct Listing
Legalities of Buying Cherry
What is the current Cherry Price?
Salute to Supporting Business Member: I`iwi Kona Coffee
Recipe: Coffee Float
Write to Us
Editor – Clare Wilson
Unfortunately, the Little Fire Ant (LFA) is showing up all over coffee farms from North to South Kona. If you don’t have them yet, you will likely have them soon as they easily hitchhike on cars, people, coffee bags or even just tramping across property lines. These little buggahs are no joke, and can cause major problems for picking crews, pets, and even for you inside your home. Their bite raises a welt that can be quite irritating for hours.
KCFA is sponsoring a training session with the Hawaii Ant Lab on Tuesday September 12 at 4pm at CTAHR in Kainaliu. Because we are a food crop, there are some very specific “Do’s and Don’ts” for certain pesticides in our fields. To combat these ants and to make sure we don’t leave residues in our crop, it’s important to understand the best way to safely combat them.
If you are not sure if you have them yet, we highly recommend doing the “peanut butter chopstick” survey before the class. Freeze the sticks and bring them to the class for proper identification.
The Hawaii Ant Lab is online at http://www.littlefireants.com/
–Submitted by Suzanne Shriner
Website Redesign in Process
Aloha members and friends. Your tech committee is in the process of a major redesign of our website to make it faster, cleaner and more accessible for our 3 main categories of visitor. If you would like to be involved in this effort, please let us know. It would also help with our design efforts if you could tell us “How do you use the website, if you do?”
Contact Chet or Cecelia or through the KCFA Board of Directors web page at
–Submitted by Chet Gardiner
HDOA CBB Pesticide Subsidy Program![]() The new State fiscal year began on 7/1/17, which was also the beginning of a new filing period for the CBB Pesticide Subsidy Program. Even if you applied in June, you can apply again now. Last Fertilizer application for the year due now! Trees are heavily laden with cherry and could use a boost from farmers. Do not apply too heavily. Inorganic fertilizer should be 10-5-20. Organic farmers should use a formulation high in Potassium/Potash. –Submitted by Bob Smith Watching one farmer explain to another about packaging their roasted coffee in foil lined bags last week, prompted this: 1) WEIGHING: Instead of getting a fancy scale to weigh out your coffee, buy one (25lb Digital USB Scale) from www.USPS.com for $35.00+ postage. From USPS website: <Electronic Postal & Freight Scale with USB connectivity. The USPS 25lb USB Postal & Freight Scale is perfect for home and office use. >
–Submitted by Suzanne Shriner Slowly Protecting Pure Local Kona Slow Food Nations, held on July 14-16 in Denver, CO (https://slowfoodnations.org/home/) was a great event for KCFA. As stated in the July, 2016 Independent Voice, work continues with geographical identity (origin) protection of Kona coffee at the Hawaiian (County and State), national and international levels through collaborations with both oriGIn (http://www.origin-gi.com) and Slow Food (https://www.slowfood.com) such as in Italy, where we participated and received the Parmigiano Reggiano award of recognition (2010) and attended the biennial Terra Madre event in Turin. Through these efforts, KCFA members have Kona coffee recognized and protected at many levels – in ways outside of what is achievable by each farmer member. Also, the Branding Committee worked with Hawaii Slow Food leadership, who coordinated with the US national office, and Kona coffee received the designation of Ark of Taste by Slow Food USA (2016) — an important recognition of a geographically identified crop/product (https://www.slowfoodusa.org/ark-item/pure-kona-coffee). Denver was but one more step!
HOW? Check out your current Farm Listing by clicking here: https://konacoffeefarmers.org/buy-kona-coffee-direct-from-the-farmer/. Enter your Farm Name under <Farm> which is in the yellow square on the upper right. See what others see. Classified? We could use some more action here! It’s a free Member benefit! Want to buy or sell something or your services- doesn’t even have to be about coffee! Questions? info@KonaCoffeeFarmers.org and we’ll reply asap.
What is the Cherry Price Right Now? Every year, we ask farmers to email us what they were paid for their cherry. We then post it to the KCFA website at https://konacoffeefarmers.org/about-kona-coffee/what-is-kona-worth/. Our intent is to encourage competition among the buyers and make as much information as widely available as possible. Basic economic theory holds that competitive markets are based on freely available price information. Help us bring true price competition to Kona Coffee. If you sell, please let us know at info@KonaCoffeeFarmers.org. We will post your info anonymously and it helps all farmers know the best market price for our beans. |
Salute to KCFA Business Member – I`iwi Kona Coffee
I’iwi Kona Coffee is a Life Member of KCFA, having joined in 2013. Located in Honolulu, the company has expanded to include fine condiments, all made in Hawaii.
From their Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pg/iiwikonacoffee/about/?ref=page_internal here is a synopsis of the company:
“With an esteemed 180 year history of Kona coffee from select family owned farms on the Big Island of Hawaii and the mastered excellence of artisan roasting, ‘I’iwi Kona Coffee Company has developed wonderfully rich and exclusive roasts”
“Our Commitment to Quality: Working closely with select family farms on the Big Island of Hawaii, and having forged strong relationships with the best sources we select only the best Kona beans, which are 100% pesticide free, to ensure that we make the finest in Specialty Coffees. We specialize in the best quality 100% Kona coffee all artisanal roasted by a Master Roaster of over 20 years, Raymond Suiter.”
Recipes Wanted! If any of you have coffee recipes that you would like to share, please submit them to the editor: clare@huahuafarm.com
Recipe: Coffee Float
Serves 4
4 cups Kona coffee
4 oz. Irish Crème or Kona Coffee Liquer
4 scoops vanilla ice cream
Put 1 scoop ice cream in coffee mug. Pour 1 oz liquer over ice cream. Fill mug with hot coffee.
LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK! >> Write us. We welcome Letters to the Editor up to 150 words. We reserve the right to edit for clarity and length. Include your name and email address >> Email: info@KonaCoffeeFarmers.org with SUBJECT: Commentary.