Coffee Drying and Storage- Technical

 COFFEE DRYING AND STORAGE Presented by the Kona Coffee Farmers Association, September 29th, 2007 Discussion Leader: Kenneth Sheppard, in association with Bob Nelson & Chuck Moss Disclaimer: This is the text of an “in-house” workshop. There may be errors and omissions. KCFA accepts no responsibility for these, and welcomes comments and corrections or other useful…

Coffee Drying

Coffee Drying Proper drying and storage of parchment is likely the single most important post-harvest quality step, even greater than fermentation and roasting. There are several key aspects for those drying their coffee on-farm. 1.    Get beans visibly dry, as fast as possible. a. The longer your parchment stays wet, the greater the risk…

September 2023 The Independent Voice

Message from President Petersen
WCR Releases Coffea arabica Genetic Database
Why is Soil Health So Important?
Coffee Pulper Maintenance
Adjustment of a Breastplate Coffee Pulper
GrainPro & NKG Collaborate on Recycling Coffee Bean Liners
Farmer to Farmer on FaceBook
How Much Caffeine is in a Cup of Coffee
Study – Spent Coffee Grounds Could be Used to Make Stronger Concrete
Vertical Selection for Kona Coffee Pruning (VIDEO)