Trap Effectiveness- July 16, 2012

A study released on July 11, 2012 regarding  “preliminary investigation on trap response and alternate hosts” study of the Coffee Berry Borer is here:

CBB Talk Story Notes of 06/21-KCFA

From the KCFA’s Pest and Disease Committee CBB is a relatively new bug to Kona, but has been studied extensively for several decades in other regions.  While new products come on the market all the time, we recommend farmers investigate the scientific validity of each before investing significant time or money in unproved methods.  Proper…

Coffee Berry Borer Survey

CBB Survey (printable document)                  CBB “Talk Story” Survey- Kona Coffee Farmers Association            Please scan completed form to: with the subject                     line:CBB Survey or bring to CBB Talk Story Session on June 21, Thursday,…