December Newsletter on CBB Management for 2013
CBB Newsletter Dec 2012 Final
Aloha… The link to the 2012 CBB Survey which includes a summary and comparison with 2011 CBB survey results is here- click to view: CBBComparison survey 2011 vs 2012 dec 1. This an annual survey of CBB- its damage and its management- that Andrea Kawabata, Elsie B Greco, and I developed to monitor the CBB…
Thanks to David Case for the photos, 2 taken on August 24 and the next 4 taken on August 25, CBB Workshop field sampling with Columbian scientist, Luis Aristiza’bal at prize winning Kona Kulana Gardens coffee farm teaching CBB field sampling techniques. About 150 Kona and Kau coffee farmers attended thus two day hands on…
from Dr. Aristizabal’s presentation of August 25th, 2012 . Cultural practices and control of CBB. Includes harvest techniques, fungus, milling procedures and other methods of IPM. Cultural & Biological Control of CBB
CBB Biology & Ecology PRESENTATION
from Dr. Luis Aristizabal’s presentation on Friday, August 24th. How to easily and accurately sample and monitor the CBB population on your farm. Includes description of CBB’s position in the bean (AB versus CD) and how to make decisions on spray or treatment from there How to easily and accurately sample and monitor the CBB population on…
A study released on July 11, 2012 regarding “preliminary investigation on trap response and alternate hosts” study of the Coffee Berry Borer is here:
From the KCFA’s Pest and Disease Committee CBB is a relatively new bug to Kona, but has been studied extensively for several decades in other regions. While new products come on the market all the time, we recommend farmers investigate the scientific validity of each before investing significant time or money in unproved methods. Proper…
Balancing pest risk with cost of control when using Beauveria for CBB June 7 Hollingsworth for KCFA (Click previous to view. Large file) Power Point Presentation given by Dr. Robbie Hollingsworth at the Kona Risk Management School on June 7th, 2012. Lots of great photos and data. Mahalo to Dr. Hollingsworth and his staff for allowing us to reproduce…
CBB Survey (printable document) CBB “Talk Story” Survey- Kona Coffee Farmers Association Please scan completed form to: with the subject line:CBB Survey or bring to CBB Talk Story Session on June 21, Thursday,…