Coffee Berry Borer, Black Twig Borer or Tropical Nut Borer

So, you think your CBB trap is full of CBB? Well, think again! Even with magnification, distinguishing CBB (Coffee Berry Borer)  from BTB (Black Twig Borer), and even TNB (Tropical Nut Borer) is difficult. A standard low-power microscope (2-3x) is not sufficient to determine whether the hairs on the back of your beetle are short…

CBB IPM and Sampling Protocols-CTAHR

Click IP-31 to see the publication dated 6.10.13. Suzanne Shriner, KCFA Member, was an integral part of this effort. From CTAHR: Thank you all for your hard work and dedication to helping the coffee growers in Hawaii control CBB. We understand that there is great work happening in the lab and fields with researchers and farmers trying…

Good News on the CBB Front- email to Members 05/24/13

From KCFA Board Member, Bruce Corker: Sen. Mazie Hirono left a lengthy voice mail message this afternoon (ed.note May 23)–with a follow up email (below) from her Special Projects Director, Patrick Devney. The Senator said that she was calling with “good news” concerning federal funding for CBB research and mitigation in Hawaii. In response to…

Got Fungus? The CBBs are coming!

Be prepared, buy your fungus now. From last year’s experience, we know that large quantities of CBB may soon be moving around in the coffee.  In early April of 2012, swarms were spotted on many farms. This seemed to coordinate with the return of the rains but we can’t be sure. KCFA recommends that you…