MailChimp is our friend:)

QUICK STEPS (you might want to print out these steps before signing up with MailChimp for easy access)  Open a blank Word document. Make a list of all of your customers emails, separated only by a comma. This is called a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file. Save that CSV File. Go here: and sign…

Promotional Opportunity

  2016 September Membership Drive Sponsorship Opportunity: Our annual September Membership Drive is a time to invite Slow Food USA’s nearly 1 million social media supporters and email list to engage with the Slow Food movement in a deeper way. This year’s campaign theme is “Come to the Table.” We are highlighting the ways Slow…

almost 6 years ago, in September 2010

From KCFA’s Pest and Disease Committee Have you ever brought in green coffee from outside the Big Island?  Did you know there are strict rules on the importation of green coffee? Recently, a shipping box from a mainland green coffee retailer was spotted at the post office.  Could this put us all at risk, again?…

Discounted FedEx Rates for KCFA Members

A key benefit of Membership is a FedEx discount that includes reduced rates to the mainland, inter-island, and international. To enroll, please open a FedEx account at and then email to learn more about the discounts you will receive and how to get started. She will also make sure you get free packaging…

More Good News about Coffee

Coffee Linked to Decreased Risk of Colorectal Cancer The University of Southern California (USC) Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center issued the following news release: New study links coffee consumption to decreased risk of colorectal cancer Whether you like your coffee black, decaf, half-caff or even instant, feel free to drink up. Researchers at the University of…