Trap Effectiveness- July 16, 2012

A study released on July 11, 2012 regarding  “preliminary investigation on trap response and alternate hosts” study of the Coffee Berry Borer is here:

July 11, 2012 – KCFA Press Release

PO Box 5436, Kailua Kona, HI 96745 • • CONTACT PERSON – CLARE WILSON GOVERNOR ABANDONS THE “HAWAII” BRAND AND SMALL SCALE FARMERS KAILUA KONA, HAWAII, July 11, 2012  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Governor Abercrombie has decided to allow HB 280 (the repeal of mandatory certification of coffee) to become law without his signature…

CBB Talk Story Notes of 06/21-KCFA

From the KCFA’s Pest and Disease Committee CBB is a relatively new bug to Kona, but has been studied extensively for several decades in other regions.  While new products come on the market all the time, we recommend farmers investigate the scientific validity of each before investing significant time or money in unproved methods.  Proper…

CBB Talk Story Notes of 04/24-KCFA

Please post all questions and replies to the Forum- Coffee Bean Borer. April 24, 2012 CTAHR Kainaliu- 3:30- 5 pm- about 60 people in attendance CBB Talk Story w/Bob Smith, Andrea Kawabata, and Suzanne Shriner Smith says need for working entomologist now.  Email Kawabata said HDOA has PT data-gathering position listed.  Good for college students…

Coffee Bean Borer Q&A

Questions that have been answered by Kona Coffee Farmers Association CBB expert researcher- Suzanne Shriner. (Thank you Suzanne!) 10/03/11 Question: I heard that if the beetle is already in the center bean the fungi can’t get to it. The best time to spray is when the beetle is flying around. Answer by Suzanne Shriner: Last…